






search("中顾法律网 案源中心")



mclick(["0", "3", "8"])


The "中顾法律网案源中心" refers to a legal service platform where users can find legal case sources and related legal information. This service seems to be offered by "找法网" (Findlaw.cn), which is a large legal service platform in China【9†source】.

On Findlaw.cn, users can access a section called "案源库" (Case Source), which allows individuals and legal professionals to browse and search for legal cases based on various criteria such as region and type of case. The platform provides listings of recent legal cases, including details like case titles, the amount involved, region, number of cases available, publication date, and contact information of the publisher【9†source】.

It appears that Findlaw.cn offers a comprehensive legal service, providing not only case sources but also legal consultations, legal guidance, and access to lawyers for various legal matters【10†source】. This platform is part of a broader ecosystem that aims to facilitate legal assistance and information exchange in China.

