Understanding Legal English Articles

Legal English, also known as legalese, is a specialized form of English used in the field of law. Legal documents and articles are often filled with terminology that can be complex and difficult to understand for those not familiar with the legal profession. In this guide, we will break down the key components of legal English articles and provide tips on how to navigate and comprehend them effectively.

Legal English articles typically exhibit the following characteristics:

  • Formal Tone: Legal English is characterized by a formal tone, with the use of precise language and terminology.
  • Specialized Vocabulary: Legal articles contain specialized vocabulary and terminology specific to the field of law.
  • Citations and References: Legal articles often include citations to statutes, case law, and other legal authorities.
  • Complex Sentences: Legal English articles may contain long and complex sentences, as well as intricate legal arguments.
  • Precise and Unambiguous Language: Clarity and precision are essential in legal English to avoid ambiguity and misinterpretation.
  • When reading legal English articles, consider the following strategies to enhance your understanding:

  • Break Down Sentences: Break down long and complex sentences into smaller parts to grasp the meaning more easily.
  • Consult a Legal Dictionary: Use a legal dictionary to look up unfamiliar terms and concepts for clarification.
  • Identify Key Terms: Highlight and understand key terms and phrases that are essential to the legal argument or analysis.
  • Contextualize the Information: Consider the context in which the information is presented to better understand its significance.
  • Seek Clarification: If you encounter passages that are unclear or confusing, seek clarification from a legal professional or expert.
  • Here are some common legal English terms and phrases you may encounter in legal articles:

    • Admissible Evidence: Evidence that is allowed to be presented in court.
    • Due Diligence: The investigation or review of a matter to ensure all necessary steps have been taken.
    • Force Majeure: A clause that excuses a party from fulfilling contractual obligations due to unforeseen circumstances.
    • Liquidated Damages: Predetermined damages agreed upon by the parties in a contract in the event of a breach.
    • Tort: A civil wrong that causes harm or loss to another party.

    Legal English articles may seem daunting at first, but with practice and familiarity, you can develop the skills to navigate and understand them effectively. By breaking down complex sentences, consulting a legal dictionary, and identifying key terms, you can improve your comprehension of legal texts. Remember to seek clarification when needed and consider the context to gain a deeper understanding of the material.

